Jack and the Beanstalk / Juan y Los frijoles mágicos by Carol Ottolenghi & illustrated by Guy Porfirio


Jack and the Beanstalk / Juan y Los frijoles mágicos by Carol Ottolenghi & illustrated by 

Guy Porfirio 

  • Traditional Literature 

  • Grade: Kinder - 2nd Grade

  • Awards: Brighter Child Keepsake Story Collection


This book is about a poor boy, Jack, and his mom who sends him to town to sell their cow for food. Before Jack reaches the town, he trades his cow for five magic beans. Jack’s mom is very angry and throws the beans out the window. To his surprise, the beans were magic and a giant beanstalk grew. Jack climbs to the top of the beanstalk where a giant woman tells him to hide so her giant husband doesn’t eat him. Jack steals the giant’s gold and returns home. His mother is very pleased so Jack climbs the beanstalk twice more and steals a golden egg laying goose and a golden harp. The giant awakes as Jack tries to escape and chases him down the beanstalk. Jack chops the beanstalk down just in time and the giant falls to his death. Jack and his mother live happily ever after with the gold, goose, and harp. 


This book is a good example of traditional literature. It is a retold tale. Jack and the Beanstalk or Juan y Los frijoles mágicos is a bilingual book where the story is told in English and Spanish. I would use this book in my classroom because it would be a great resource for ESL learners who are new to English. They could read the story in Spanish next to the English translation. This would help the students with reading comprehension if there were words that they couldn't understand. In addition, this book has some great illustrations that go well with the text. The grade level of this book would be Kindergarten to Second Grade. In the classroom, Jack and the Beanstalk/ Juan y Los frijoles mágicos would be useful for units about plot structure because students should be able to identify the introduction, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution of this story. 


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