Time For Bed by Mem Fox & illustrated by Jane Dyer


Time For Bed by Mem Fox & illustrated by Jane Dyer

  • Poetry 

  • Grade: Pre-K - K, 1st - 2nd 

  • Awards: None


Time For Bed by Mem Fox is an example of Lyric Poetry. This book captures the scene of different parents putting their young ones to sleep at night. This poem begins with a mouse and her baby as she tells the baby mouse that it’s time for bed while darkness falls. Next, the poem goes to other creatures in nature such as the bee who tells its baby that it’s time to sleep and that they love each other. Finally, the poem ends with a mom tucking her child in as the stars are high in the sky, she says goodnight. Time For Bed depicts many different animals throughout the story and ends with a mom putting her baby boy to sleep under the stars. 


I would use this poem in my classroom because it would get students interested in poetry and it meets the criteria for good poetry. This book presents the world from a child’s perspective because they can relate to having their parents put them to bed each night. This poem contains detailed illustrations that accurately reflect each child being put to sleep as darkness falls. Time For Bed portrays the different emotions and ideas such as quiet, peace, love, and haste in reference to bedtime so that children experience bedtime from different perspectives. This poem repeats the phrase “it’s time to sleep” and children would be able to catch on and say the phrase with you during a read-aloud which would increase class participation. I would use Time For Bed in my classroom for a unit on comprehension skills because I could use this poem to see if my students can make connections to personal experiences.



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