Little Pink Pig by Pat Hutchins


Little Pink Pig by Pat Hutchins  

  • (Animal) Fantasy 

  • Grade: Pre-K - Kindergarten 

  • Awards: A Trophy Picture Book


Little Pink Pig by Pat Hutchins is a story about a little pink pig and his mother. It’s time for the little pink pig to go to bed but his mother can’t find him. Throughout the book, the little pink pig’s mom travels throughout the farm from animal to animal and asks if they’ve seen little pink pig. Each animal calls out to him with a “neigh” or a “moo” or other various sounds but the little pink pig does not hear them. The little pink pig calls out to his mother to wait but she cannot hear him either. At the end of the story, all the animals call out to the little pink pig and he is finally found so his mother can put him to bed.


I would not use Little Pink Pig in my classroom because the reading level of Pre-K is not standard for second grade. Little Pink Pig by Pat Hutchins has really detailed illustrations and the creative setting of the farm is great for a fantasy book. This book is an example of animal fantasy because the pigs, horses, and cows talk to each other and search for the baby pig. Little Pink Pig by Pat Hutchins could be used when teaching a unit on active listening and understanding information. The onomatopoeia words should capture children's attention and the illustrations are useful for helping students understand what’s going on in the story.


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