Before After by Anne-Margot Ramstein & Matthias Aregui


Before After: Arégui, Matthias, Ramstein, Anne-Margot, Arégui, Matthias,  Ramstein, Anne-Margot: 9780763676216: Books

Before After by Anne-Margot Ramstein & Matthias Aregui 

  • Nonfiction

  • Grades: Pre-K - Kindergarten, 1st - 3rd 

  • Awards: None 


Before After is a wordless picture book. There are illustrations of the sky before and after the sun sets. There are pictures of a flower before and after it blooms. There are pictures of a seed before it’s planted and then after it becomes a tree. There are pages and pages of illustrations such as a before picture of winter and an after picture of a warm fireplace, a rock before it’s turned into a statue after, an egg before it’s transformed into a baby bird after, and even fireworks before and after they're popped. This is a concept book so students can look at the illustrations and come up with words to explain what’s happening. 


Before After would be a unique book to use in my classroom because it is a concept picture book. This book is an uncomplicated text about different scientific concepts with large, vibrant,  and detailed illustrations. Before After gives factual information about the biological world through illustrations because it has no words. I would use this book in my classroom because it is the appropriate reading level for second grade. It would be good for a unit over comprehension because the student would have to understand what is going and give multi-word responses about what they think is happening.


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