All Are Welcome by Alexandra Penfold & illustrated by Suzanne Kaufman

 All Are Welcome by Alexandra Penfold - Hardcover Book - The Parent Store

All Are Welcome by Alexandra Penfold & illustrated by Suzanne Kaufman

  • Fiction
  • Grade: Pre-K - 2nd 
  • Awards: New York Times best-selling picture book

All Are Welcome is a book about students at school. The book begins by showing students who may start their day in prayer or wear different things on the playground and saying that everyone is welcome at school. Next, the book depicts the children pointing at a map and says that all are welcome no matter where the students are from. Then, All Are Welcome talks about how children can make music, create art, and read stories together. The students play side by side at the playground. Everyone even has unique gifts and talents which may be different from their friends. The story ends by saying that everyone feels safe and welcome at school and the students can't wait to go back the next day. 


This is a really fun story that I would use in my classroom because it has a great message and will get students excited about school. My favorite part of this book was the illustrations. The illustrations in this picture book were very diverse. The students of different races, ethnicities, and even religion are depicted together in harmony. This book would be a good read for second-graders because they should be able to comprehend this level of vocabulary and I think they would enjoy finding characters that resemble themselves. All Are Welcome would be a good book to use in a unit on language arts and reading comprehension. Students can use this book to identify the author's purpose and make connections to personal experince. 


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